Gianni Pezzani

artist photography

artist bio

Colorno (Parma | Italy) in 1951.
He graduated in 1979 in Agricultural Sciences, studies that allow him to have a good knowledge of chemistry, which is essential to address research on photographic toning who, in the late ’70s, she gets involved.
This path led him to be one of the first photographers in Italy to deepen the study on color freeing themselves from the dominance of black and white.
Since the ’70s begins to investigate photographically Parma and its places.
Since 1981 he began working for Vogue and Condé Nast editions, collaboration that continues today. The study in the field of professional photography on the way, continues a search that led him in 1982 to create a series of photographs during a trip to the US in the company of Franco Fontana, who see the protagonist of an exhibition at the Galleria Civica di Modena in 1984.
In 1981 he was selected by Editions Time-Life among the six most important emerging photographers of the year and its portfolio is published in the yearbook Photography Year.
In 1983 he was invited to exhibit in Japan at the Kodak Gallery in Ginza (Nagase Photo Salon). Starting from the same year he moved to Tokyo for ten years, where he worked both as a photographer and as a textile designer.
In 1984 he took part in a traveling exhibition on Italian photography that touch the most important galleries of mainland China.
1984 is a pivotal year especially for the decision to move to Japan, where he worked for Mamya Room and draws apparel offering, to the Japanese market, own label which was the invention of ironic characters their own trademark.
Between 1984 and 1993 will move between Tokyio, Bali and New Zealand by continuing to use the camera in research that, while important to draw a complete history of photography of the eighties, will remain hidden from critics.
In 1993 he returned to Italy and moved to Milan. Relations with fashion magazines and design are intensified as well as the solo and group shows that the protagonist.
In May 2009 presents the work Storia di una foresta perduta introduced by Jacques Le Goff.

1979 Arturo Carlo Quintavalle, Enciclopedia Pratica per Fotografare, F.lli Fabbri Editore Milano
1980 Arturo Carlo Quintavalle, Gianni Pezzani, Il Diaframma Edifoto, Milano
1981 Photography Year, Time Life Ed., Virginia, USA
1985 Annuario British Journal of Photography, Londra
1985 Tendenze artistiche in Italia 1970-1985, Roma
1994 Arturo Carlo Quintavalle, Messa a fuoco, Feltrinelli, Milano
2005 I maestri della fotografia-Peggy Guggenheim collection
2013 Gianni Pezzani- Ombre, A.C.Quintavalle, Skira
2014 Parma Dorme, Andrea Tinterri, Skira

1979 Milano, Il Diaframma/Canon
1983 Tokyo,Kodak Nagase Photo Salon Ginza
1983 Malmo Museum
1985 Belgrado, World Biennial of Photography, BEFU 85
1985 Torino, Galleria Agorà
1985 Roma, Palazzo delle Esposizioni
1997 Firenze, Stazione Leopolda
2001 Parma, Fondazione Magnani Rocca, Retrospettiva
2003 Torino, Palazzo Barolo, Viaggi in Giappone
2005 Venezia, Peggy Guggenheim collection, I maestri della fotografia
2006 Milano Hublab Gallery – UMUS
2011 Padiglione Italia_Biennale di Venezia
2013 Milano, Fondazione Mudima. Prove di Fotografia
2014 Parma, Portici del grano, Parma Dorme

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