about noema

Maria Cristina De Zuccato
Founder & Gallery manager
Padova 1960. Graduated in ’84 with honours in Economics at Bocconi University of Milan.
She carried out work in utility companies in the ‘field” of marketing and sales departments, deepening and building skills on development and coordination of projects, development of business strategies and planning and sponsoring research, acquisition and management of customers, managing relationships with suppliers . As manager and branch manager of a Milan-based company, she created an office in Rome and was engaged for two years organization and coordination of ten people. She then became mother of 4 children, and gave up her managerial career to pursue entrepreneurial activities in trade and in the field of temporary retailing. Passionate about photography since childhood, encountered in recent years for professional reasons Aldo Sardoni, professional photographer and architect, and they discussed to undertake, with an innovative spirit, both ambitious and critical of their capabilities, the project “Noema Gallery”.

Aldo Sardoni
Founder & Art director
Rome 1964. He studied architecture and photography in Venice (IUAV) and Rome.
Honours degree in architecture in Rome “Valle Giulia”.
Post-graduate courses in Theories of Architecture, Rome Faculty of Architecture “Ludovico Quaroni”.
He studied with Paolo Portoghesi, Giorgio Muratore Tommaso Giura Longo, Franco Purini and others.
He graduated with Purini Franco and Giorgio Muratore, investigating the relationship between architecture, photography and literature.
Photographer and architect, he works full-time in both disciplines.
His photographs are in the permanent collection “Archivio Italo Zannier” and in numerous private collections.